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  • Is it profitable to invest in a photovoltaic installation?
    Installing solar panels at home remains one of the best investments you can make today. With the uncertainty surrounding energy prices and the bonuses offered by the regions, the generation of photovoltaic energy is very clearly advantageous at the moment. The initial installation costs can be recouped after a few years.
  • Can I benefit from bonuses for the installation of solar panels or a photovoltaic carport?
    Of course, and we're here to help you get them! Once your installation is complete, our team takes care of the administrative part so that you can quickly benefit from the assistance available in your region. Your bonuses in the Walloon Region It's very simple: you pay the balance between what you take from the network and what you put back into it. Is your net balance negative or equal to 0? You pay nothing! Small clarification: since 2020, people who produce their energy using their solar panels must pay compensation for the use of the distribution network. This flat rate will amount to between €269 per year in Andenne and €397 in the Province of Liège for a 4 kWp installation (depending on the network manager). Today, the Walloon government reimburses this tariff up to 54.27% and from 2024, the Walloon Region will set up a system with an injection tariff for new installations, as in the other regions of the country. Your bonuses in Brussels The Brussels region offers an "injection rate" : you benefit from your current tariff for all electricity taken from the network (called “offtake tariff”) and receive a certain amount per kWh of electricity injected. In addition, Brussels offers a system of green certificates for ten years. Concretely, this represents on average €790 per year with an exact value determined by a green meter separate from your electricity meter. Note that several Brussels municipalities also grant additional bonuses for photovoltaic installations: simply contact your Urban Planning or Environment department to find out more.
  • How long does it take to install my solar panels?
    Our team takes all the necessary steps so that you can benefit from your new energy source as quickly as possible. Our projects are generally carried out in a single day to minimize your discomfort. Should a longer period be necessary due to exceptional circumstances, we will notify you in advance.
  • What guarantee can I benefit from for my installation?
    At Solena, we guarantee efficient and quality service. -The waterproof guarantees are 10 years. -The panels have a 25-year guarantee. -Inverters have a 10 to 20 year warranty. -Electrical installation, 2 year warranty.
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